Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Уважаемые Родители и Опекуны,
Last week was very active and full of positive emotions. After a very contended match, the Green House won the CIS Volleyball championship. As a prize for the efforts and teamwork they enjoyed a well-deserved pizza party during snack time on Friday. Thank you to Ms. Marina Vorobeva and Mr. Rim, our Head of Operations, and his team for their hard work and support in making this event such a great success.
Прошедшая неделя была очень активной и полной положительных эмоций. После напряженного матча «Зеленый дом» выиграл чемпионат CIS по волейболу. В качестве приза за приложенные усилия и командную работу у них была Пицца-вечеринка в пятницу. Спасибо Мс. Марине Воробьевой и Мр. Риму, нашему операционному директору, и его команде за усердную работу и поддержку в обеспечении успеха этого мероприятия.
I have also seen a lot of activity happening in the classrooms as we get closer to the end of the term. I kindly want to remind all families that the last day of the term is Saturday March 4. We will also be having very colorful Russia Week activities during the week before that will involve students actively. I want to strongly encourage you to help your child attend all classes by planning your trips accordingly.
По мере приближения к концу учебного периода, я замечаю всё большую активность в классах. Я хочу напомнить всем нашим семьям, что последний день учебы перед каникулами– суббота, 4 марта. В период с 27 февраля по 3 марта течение недели до этого у нас пройдут очень красочные мероприятия Недели Русской культуры, в которых будут активно участвовать студенты. Я настоятельно призываю Вас помочь своему ребенку обеспечить посещение всех занятий, и соответствующим образом запланировать свои поездки.
Thank you for actively supporting your child with complying with the school uniform requirements. Together we have gone a long way. I want to also remind parents that the use of mobile phones by students in the dining hall is not allowed. Students who struggle to comply with this school requirement will be asked to keep their phones in dedicated boxes when entering the dining hall beginning this week. I have observed that when mobile phones are absent from the dining table, students are more likely to engage in meaningful and active social activities interaction with their peers. Thank you again for your support.
Спасибо, что активно поддерживаете Вашего ребенка в соблюдении требований относительно школьной формы. Вместе мы прошли долгий путь. Также хочу напомнить родителям, что использование учащимися мобильных телефонов в столовой не допускается. Учащимся, которые не в состоянии или отказываются выполнить это школьное требование, будет предложено хранить свои телефоны в специальных коробках при входе в столовую, начиная с этой недели. Хочу отметить, что когда за обедом отсутствуют мобильные телефоны, учащиеся чаще участвуют в осмысленных и активных социальных взаимодействиях со своими сверстниками. Еще раз спасибо за Вашу поддержку.
This week we will also celebrate Friendship Day, on Tuesday, February 14. During this day only, Secondary students will be allowed to wear non-uniform colors, as long as their clothing have no pictures on them.
На этой неделе мы также будем отмечать День дружбы, во вторник, 14 февраля. Только в этот день учащимся средней и старшей школ будет разрешено носить одежду, не соответствующую школьным цветам, если на ней нет изображений.
Finally, I want to inform you that Secondary school teachers have started publishing their consultation/tutorial after-school hours on EduPage. Our students are encouraged to sign-up for them to clarify their questions and receive extra academic assistance from their teachers.
Наконец, я хочу проинформировать Вас о том, что учителя средней и старшей школ начали публиковать свои внеурочные консультационные часы в EduPage. Нашим студентам предлагается записываться на это время, чтобы получить дополнительную академическую помощь от своих преподавателей.
Have a great week!
Желаю хорошей недели!
Best Regards,
Juan Cárdenas
Head of Secondary Education
From the Classroom
Mr. Carlos (Spanish)
We continue to work on differentiation, trying to perfect the coordination that this requires: control time, design complementary activities and bet on autonomous learning.
In Year 7 we have a new student with the experience of having lived in Spain, and thanks to whom we will be able to enrich the contents.
Year 8 students have started taking end-of-term tests. They have learned to contrast the present, past and future tenses, and to talk about their favorite food, and to order it at the restaurant.
In Year 9 we have a new student starting to study Spanish now. It is an interesting class in which different stages of knowledge of the language coexist. For this, students are aware of their daily work, and must coordinate and help each other to meet their individual goals.
In Year 10 and Year 11 students with different levels also coexist, and each of them is in charge of reinforcing their autonomy as students. Despite having different stages of learning, the results are being positive.
In Year 12 we have had the mock exam, and we are currently preparing to reinforce the oral part. In speaking they have the extra challenge of having to prepare an oral presentation and then defend it in conversation.
Mr. Kennedy (Business, Geography, Global Perspectives)
This week involved the final preparations for the vending machine business for the business students. We would like to thank all the parents who responded to the survey where we requested feedback on the idea. Due to a unanimous vote in favour of the idea, we will be installing a vending machine at school which will be run completely by the students. This gives the opportunity to put theory into practice and teaches students the principles of business by experiencing those concepts first-hand.
The geography students have been learning about natural resources, population, weather, climate, and tropical storms and will soon be moving onto development and food production. Term tests are soon approaching so students will be preparing for these both at school and at home.
My classroom is open for extra lessons for all students on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 15:40 – 16:15 for whichever students may need additional geography or business studies support.
Mr. Jenkins (History)
The mocks gave an excellent insight into where all the year 11s, 12s, and 13s are academically, and will inform our lessons for the remainder of the year; the results were encouraging, overall.
Regards year 10s: after the addition of two new students the class has become reinvigorated, and we’ve welcomed some fascinating new perspectives.
The KS3 students are progressing well. Year 9s are developing writing skills to ready them for the big step-up necessary for their entry into year 10, while the 7s and 8s are coming on leaps and bounds with their acquisition of fundamental history skills.
Mr. Alm (English and Literature)
Year 13 English Language completed their unit on English in the World. Students examined global and local issues related to English as a lingua franca, prescriptivist and descriptivist critiques of variations of English, and possible courses for the evolution of the English language. In Year 12 English Literature, the class continued to read Atonement by Ian McEwan, examining elements of Postmodernism and analysing text excerpts through a variety of literary lenses. Year 11 English Literature has begun to read the play Journey’s End and will explore the language, structure, and dramatic forms employed to communicate its themes. Year 11 Global Perspectives have formed groups for their team project and will explore issues related to demilitarisation and child labor over the next two months.
Ms. Victoria (ICT and Computer Science)
In this term, students of Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 learn how to write algorithms and use the basics of various programming languages like Python, JavaScript and SQL. This week, they learn to solve simple problems using these languages.
В этой четверти ученики 7, 8, 9 классов учатся составлять алгоритмы и использовать основы различных языков программирования таких как Python, JavaScript и SQL. На этой неделе они решали простые задачи с использованием этих языков.