• Dear Families,
        Уважаемые семьи,

        The first two weeks of school have been incredibly exciting. I've witnessed a great deal of learning happening in the classrooms, and it's clear that both students and teachers are enthusiastic about the new academic year!
      • We are looking forward to seeing our new and returning families tomorrow Monday, September 2nd at our Day of Knowledge celebration. The ceremony will start at 10:00 sharp, so students and family members are asked to arrive 15 minutes earlier.

        See you then!
      • Our school uses EduPage school information system. Login with your account to see grades, your timetable, current substitutions, check your homework and daily plan for the next day.
      • Check also EduPage mobile application available for Android and iOS devices. Get all the information from our school directly to your mobile.
          • Letter from the Head of Primary 

            16 May 2023

            Upcoming Dates to Remember

            May 15-19 Garden Planting

            May 26 – Cambridge Mile (in Moscow)

            May 30 – June 1 Parent Teacher Conference

            June 17Graduation / Summer Concert

            June 19 End-of-Year Reports Available

            June 23 Last Day of School (short day)

            June 26 – First Day of Summer Camp!!

        • Letter from the Head of Secondary (16/05/23)
          • Letter from the Head of Secondary (16/05/23)

            Dear Parents and Caregivers,
            Уважаемые родители и опекуны,

            Last week was a short but active week. I was delighted to see so many families coming back from break on time, energized, and ready to end the year on a high note.
            Прошедшая неделя выдалась короткой, но активной. Я c радостью наблюдал, как много семей вернулись с каникул вовремя, полные энергии и готовые закончить год на высокой ноте.

    • Login

    • Bell times

      Thu 19/9/2024